Gathering Spaces

Wesley Theological Seminary Refectory
Washington, D.C.

“Last Supper”: 44’ x 5’ 5 3/4” painted wood relief installed 2020. The division of light and dark shapes that define this recasted, traditional iconographic image emanate from a centralized point that sets in motion the Fibonacci Mathematical Principle. The power implicit in this prescience “Last Supper” interpretation overrides its symbolic suggestion of church imposed barriers inferred in the vertical wood reliefs adding visual interest when walking along side or beneath it. The bracketing set of hands giving communion symbolize the sending forth task of Wesley students and draw attention to the genius of Leonardo da Vinci’s gesturing hands.

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Video produced for The National United Methodist Church by Lucy Mueller, 2021. Reproduced with permission.


Our mutual efforts to create together are life-enhancing. The resulting works are the works of the people from whom emerge, and through whom endure, the stories of their making.

Westmarket Street United Methodist Church Chapel
Greensboro, North Carolina

“Salvation Story”: 11’ in diameter, wood construction with needlepointed inserts.

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Art making is a form of cognition as potent as verbal, logical, and mathematical forms of cognition.

Falls Church Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
Falls Church, Virginia

17 1/3’ x 7’ folding wood construction hinged and painted, with applied wood components and wool appliquéd inserts covered with non-glare plexiglass.

Theme: Revelation 22.1-5

9 1/2’ x 4 3/4’ framed appliquéd wool triptych.

Theme: Exodus 3.1-5

Trinity United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall Entrance
Lincoln, Nebraska

“Martha’s Cross”: a memorial work of approximately 77 square feet fabricated in wool and ultra suede appliquéd and attached to painted wood forms. The radiating design from the center to either side engages the repeated use of a single shape (tessellation motif) in three different scales and formats visually suggesting the Christian Trinitarian concept of same substance manifest in three parts. These same substances in there parts inhabit one another and work together visually as well as theologically.

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Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture
Canberra, Australia

Commissioned for the 2017 Annual Stations of the Cross Exhibition.
16th Station: Road to Emmaus.


Pullen Baptist Church

Raleigh, North Carolina

The brilliant cerulean blue, dominant in the stained glass windows’ rounded forms, triggered my site-specific design approach. Content issued from the directives of a vigorous oversight committee intent upon making their sanctuary visually reflective of who they are. My challenge, as always, was to integrate all considerations into an aesthetic synthesis. Each 19’ x 9’ x 5’’ work, comprised of painted wood panels set in tiered wood traceries, have laser cut 1/4” wood letters subtly forming words from scripture and hymnody. Painted-paper sample chips, attached to full scale drawings matching 4’ in-scale models, guided the Home Depot’s mixing of 186 Premium Behr Paints. These hands-on expressions of the affective side of faith live on in the stories of their making.

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I am because we are; in Christian community we aid in each other’s becoming.

Video produced for Pullen Baptist Church, 2016. Reproduced with permission.


Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
Silver Spring, Maryland

Icon: The Good Shepherd.

As bearers of the Imago Dei, we participate in the ongoing act of creation. An encounter with a hands-on, often slow meditative process…, stands in sharp contrast to today’s cryptic, if not truncated, forms of being and communicating.

B’nai Israel Synagogue
North Bethesda, Maryland

“Song of Songs” Huppah (wedding canopy): 15’ x 15’ linen/wool appliqué in wood construction. The upper tier is symbolic of God’s love for Israel, the lower tier a literal representation of human loving and yearning.

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Shenandoah Valley/Westminster Canterbury
Retirement Home
Winchester, Virginia

A work of participatory aesthetics 5 1/3’ x 5 1/3’ fabricated in painted wood and needlepointed tapestry, an image of the unadorned prayer niche resides above the smaller images. Other images show the 1/3 scale model and residents, who needlepointed the tapestry inserts and constructed the wood forms, assembling the work.

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Shallowford Presbyterian Church
Lewisville, North Carolina

“God of the Waters”: 10 1/2’ x 12 1/2’ wood construction with wool appliquéd inserts.

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Grace Episcopal Church
Baldwinsville, New York

“Holy Spirit”: 10’ x 9’ x 3 1/2’ sectional needlepointed panels in wood traceries.

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Hospital Meditation Rooms

The George Washington University Medical Center
Washington, D.C.

“Passages”: a 9’ x 4’ construction in painted wood and ultra suede located in Meditation Room contiguous to emergency room.


The creative process has dominion over me.

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
ICU Surgical Wing Meditation Room
Bethesda, Maryland

A three-sided painted wood construction with needlepointed inserts, inspired by the Fibonacci Mathematical Principle, ushers a concept of infinity into this tiny space evoking possibility and sustenance from a Presence undefined.

Temporary Installations

United Methodist Hymnal Committee
DAR Constitution Hall

Washington, D.C.

60’ in diameter mobile commissioned for the celebration of the revised United Methodist Hymnal.

United Presbyterian Women Triennial Meeting
West Lafayette, Indiana

“Last Supper” (1985): 60’ x 20’ fabric work commissioned to hang in the Purdue University Music Hall.


National Convocation of the
Fellowship of United Methodists in
Worship, Music, and Other Arts
Dallas, Texas

12’ x 8’ Methodist history installation. Now at the Archives and History Center of the United Methodist Church, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey.

United Methodist National Student Conference
St. Louis, Missouri

“Installation”: banners, foam-core letters and horns. A. J. Cervantes Convention and Exhibition Center and Atrium Lobby, Sheraton Hotel.

Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE)
Annual Event
Baltimore, Maryland

On-site installation in paper, net, and straight pins. Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel.


Triennium Youth Conference
of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA)
West Lafayette, Indiana

50’ x 25’ of 60 alternating banners.Purdue University Music Hall.

Presbyterian Women Triennial Conference
Louisville, Kentucky

“Cloud of Witnesses”: 170’ x 11’ cotton appliquéd onto canvas installation. Commonwealth Convention Center.

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Reflecting on the process of creating is far more interesting than explaining the product that results.